Re: the solution for Knapsack 0/1 problem, there is an error in the verbal description of the answer

FOR THE solution of the Knapsack 0/1 problem, there is an error in the verbal description of the answer. You have:

" The function knapSack makes a lookupTable within the function that stores the maximum value that can be attained with maximum capacity (lines 29-35 ). This function calls the helper function knapsackRecursive (line 36 ). It returns the maximum value that can be attained using only the first i items, i.e., items at the currentIndex while keeping their total weight no more than weights ."

The error is in the line “It returns the maximum value that can be attained using only the first i items.”

This is incorrect. “knapsackRecursive” returns the maximum value that can be attained using the LAST profitsLength - i items. This is because, as i increments, the “knapsackRecursive” returns the maximum value that can be attained by the subarray starting at i until the END of the array.

If the description is unclear or wrong (as in this case) it creates confusion which obstructs the learning process. Please correct! Thank you!



Hi @Nilay_Jhaveri !!
Yes, you are right. Here is the corrected description:

“The function knapSack makes a lookupTable within the function that stores the maximum value that can be attained with maximum capacity (lines 29-35). This function calls the helper function knapsackRecursive (line 36). It returns the maximum value that can be attained using only the items from index ‘currentIndex’ until the end of the array while keeping their total weight no more than ‘capacity’.”

Thank you for pointing out the error, we will update it soon.
Happy Learning :blush:

Thank you for fixing.

Is there any future discount I can get on my membership extension (and/or an extension in the future) for finding this?

Appreciate it!

