Something wrong

On this page,

It meant to be val transformation2 = dataFrame2.repartition(20) instead of val transformation2 = dataFrame1.repartition(20)

Am I right? I think it is typo. Please clarify.

Super thanks,

Hi @Narendra1 !!
The link to the lesson you provided seems to be broken. Could you kindly share the correct link with us, or alternatively, provide us with the name of the course and lesson? Thank you.

Thanks a lot.

Here is the name of the course and the lesson details.
Introduction to Big Data with Apache Spark

And then the following chapter
# Anatomy of a Spark Application

Hi @Narendra1 !!
Yes, you are absolutely correct. It’s a typo in the provided lesson. The correct statement should be:

val transformation2 = dataFrame2.repartition(20)

This would correctly create a new DataFrame transformation2 by repartitioning dataFrame2 into 20 partitions.

Thank you for catching that mistake, and we will update this soon.
Happy Learning :blush:

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Super. Have a good day!

It has been updated. Thanks :blush:

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