The provided solution can use a simple improvement to reduce time complexity to O((N+M)*Len)

With simple realization that we only find new matching words when we expand and we lose matching words when we shrink, we only need to compare words at either ends of the sliding window.

import collections

def find_word_concatenation(str1, words):
  result_indices = []
  n, k = len(words), len(words[0])
  matched, counter = 0, collections.Counter(words)
  start = 0

  for end in range(len(str1)):
    if end >= k-1:
      word = str1[end-k+1:end+1]
      if word in counter:
        counter[word] -= 1
        matched += not counter[word]
    if end >= n*k-1:
      if matched == n:
      word = str1[start:start+k]
      if word in counter:
        counter[word] += 1
        matched -= counter[word] > 0
      start += 1

  return result_indices

Hi @Hiep_Doan

Thank you for your suggestion. We love to see users of our platform thinking outside the box. User suggestions such as these are greatly valuable to us.