The solution is not correct for RearrangeList

The linked list ends up not being correct.

Hello @Christopher_Jon_Perr,

I tested the provided solution on several inputs and the returned outputs are as expected. For instance, the solution returns 2 28 4 14 6 12 8 10 for the input 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 28, 2 100 4 88 6 28 8 14 10 12 for the input 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 28 88 100, 2 8 4 6 for the input 2 4 6 8, and 2 6 4 for the input 2 4 6. All of these are correct and expected outputs.

Hope this helps!

It creates a cycle in the resulting list.