"To cater to needs, we need to apply a push-based approach too." Why?

Why does push based approach can help scale but pull can’t?

Hi Sissi.

The push-based approach is applied to cater to scaling needs because as the number of servers or data centers increases, a pull-based strategy may lead to network congestion and overload.

A pull-based approach can lead to congestion as the monitoring system fetches data from individual servers, potentially causing a high volume of requests and network traffic. In a large-scale environment with numerous servers or data centers, this constant pulling of data can strain the network, resulting in congestion and reduced efficiency. The push-based approach alleviates this issue by allowing servers to proactively send their data to the monitoring system, distributing the load more effectively and preventing network congestion.

I hope that clears up the confusion. If you have any further queries, feel free to reach out to us.

Thank you.