Update the content for course

Hi, the content for the course is not up to date, for example - the command “gcloud ml-engine jobs list” is deprecated, and “gcloud ai-platform jobs list” needs to be used instead. Similarly, there are many instances where the UI has changed. Can you please take a look and try to update the content according to the latest changes? Thanks.

Hi @Simran_Agarwal, We really appreciated that you have shared your thoughts with us and explained them very well. It is great seeing that you guys are always coming up with betterment.

The both commands you mentioned above differ in the service they target and the functionality they provide. Here’s a breakdown:

gcloud ai-platform jobs list :

  • Targets the Vertex AI platform , which is the successor to ML Engine as of 2021.
  • Lists ongoing and past training jobs, custom training jobs, hyperparameter tuning jobs, and prediction jobs submitted to Vertex AI.
  • Offers more options for filtering and specifying details about the listed jobs.

gcloud ml-engine jobs list :

  • Targets the legacy ML Engine service , which is deprecated but still operational for existing workflows.
  • Lists only training jobs submitted to ML Engine.
  • Has fewer options for filtering and specifying details about the listed jobs.


  • If you’re using Vertex AI and want to list all types of jobs, use gcloud ai-platform jobs list .
  • If you’re using ML Engine for training jobs only and want a basic list, use gcloud ml-engine jobs list .

I hope this clarifies the distinction between these two commands!

Further, we’ll look into it, and your feedback is much appreciated.