What does “shared business logic” mean in software development

Implement micro architecture using SCS is recommended to avoid shared business logic. Any example of building SCSs with shared business logic?

Hi @Math_El !!
Implementing microservices architecture using Single Responsibility Principle (SRP) can help avoid shared business logic. SRP states that a class should have only one reason to change, which can be extended to microservices as well. However, SCS (Self-Contained Systems) is another approach that emphasizes encapsulating both the user interface and business logic within a single service.

SCS aims to create self-contained modules that are responsible for specific business capabilities. While SCS encourages keeping business logic within each individual system, there might still be scenarios where some business logic needs to be shared among multiple SCSs. This could happen due to common functionalities that are used across different modules or services.

Here’s an example of building SCSs with shared business logic:

Let’s consider an e-commerce platform with different SCSs for handling orders, inventory, and user management. Each SCS encapsulates its own business logic, such as processing orders, managing inventory, and handling user authentication.

However, there might be a need for shared business logic related to pricing calculations. The pricing logic could be complex and needs to be consistent across different parts of the system. In such cases, you can create a separate service specifically for pricing, and this service can be accessed by other SCSs when they need to perform pricing calculations.

For instance, the order service might need to calculate the total price of an order based on the items selected by the user. Instead of duplicating the pricing logic in the order service, it can make a request to the pricing service to get the calculated price. Similarly, the inventory service might need pricing information to determine the value of the items in stock.

By creating a separate pricing service, you ensure that the pricing logic is centralized and can be easily maintained and updated without affecting other parts of the system. This approach also adheres to the principles of microservices architecture by keeping each service focused on a specific responsibility while still allowing for shared functionality when necessary.
I hope it helps. Happy Learning :blush: