What is the right order for the courses?

Hello, I hope you are doing well. I am wondering what is the right order the following courses:

  1. Distributed Systems for Practitioners - Learn Interactively
  2. Grokking Modern System Design Interview for Engineers & Managers - Learn Interactively

Or are they independent?

I am trying to optimise my study time, and I need to try to keep as simple as possible for possible new interviews.

Hi @Erwin_Aguero !!
These are two distinct courses, but we recommend starting with the " Distributed Systems for Practitioners - Learn Interactively" course before taking the Grokking Modern System Design Interview for Engineers & Managers - Learn Interactively course. This sequence is recommended because understanding distributed systems is crucial for better understanding the complexities of system design. A distributed system involves designing and implementing a system that spans multiple interconnected nodes, whereas system design encompasses a broader spectrum, involving the design of various software systems, both centralized and distributed.
Happy Learning :blush: