What parameter should be used for partitioning key in case if we choose document partitioning?

What parameter should be used for partitioning key in case if we choose document partitioning so that we can equally distribute the load to across nodes ?

Hi Deepchand,

The parameter to be used as a partitioning key can vary depending on the different scenarios, as follows:

  • Document ID: If the document ID provides a high cardinality and even distribution.

  • Timestamp: For time-series data where the query pattern typically involves a date range.

  • User ID or Tenant ID: This can be useful in multi-tenant systems where data locality for each tenant is essential, but ensure this doesn’t lead to uneven distribution.

  • Geographic Location: For location-based services, partitioning based on location or region can be beneficial for localized queries.

  • The hash of a Field: A hash function can be applied to a certain field that results in a high cardinality to provide an even distribution. This is common when no single field naturally provides a good partition key.

When a suitable primary partitioning key is hard to determine, a composite key made from multiple fields can be considered. This can help to improve distribution and align with complex query patterns

Thank you.