Where do I get access_key_id for playgrounds?

I am a bit confused, where do I get access_key_id and the secret.?
Looks like I am missing something, please assist.

Course: HashiCorp Terraform Certified Associate Preparation Guide - Learn Interactively
Lesson: Moving Items in Terraform State

I have faced similar issue. Sometimes keys are pre-populated and you just need to hit “Run”. Sometimes it’s blank and hence missing. Try refreshing or restarting the course.

Course: Automating a CI/CD Pipeline with AWS DevOps - Learn Interactively
Lesson: Introducing AWS Ancillary Services for DevOps

can someone please explain to me how labs work in here?

What does “Enter your own AWS credentials in environment variables.” mean in this case?
Are we given env. variables?
And I always get “Terminal Disconnected: Run again to reconnect.”

Course: HashiCorp Terraform Certified Associate Preparation Guide - Learn Interactively
Lesson: The terraform taint command - HashiCorp Terraform Certified Associate Preparation Guide