Where would videos be stored?

Where would videos be stored? Videos can be stored in a distributed file storage system like HDFS or GlusterFS.

why don’t we use an object store such as s3? what are pros and cons of object store vs. distributed file system?

Hi @Dewey_Munoz

We preferred distributed file storage because we would have huge traffic. We can expect our read:write ratio to be 200:1, which means for every video upload, there are 200 video views. Thus distributed file storage is more preferable.
Object-storage systems provide eventual consistency, whereas distributed-file systems can support strong consistency or eventual consistency (both, depending on the vendor).

Object-storage exposes a REST API, and is therefore limited to applications that are specially designed to support this type of storage. Whereas, distributed file systems expose a traditional filesystem API, i.e., they are suitable for any application, including legacy applications which were designed to work over a hierarchical filesystem.

I totally disagree with the reply posted. Object storage services like S3 are preferred for video uploads because of support for multi-part uploads. In fact, you would always want to solution this using a vendor managed service that provides a) quick throughput and b) quick recovery from transient failures. Traditional file system APIs aren’t designed to support any of this for video uploads.

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