Why parseFloat(Number.MAX_VALUE) is used in solution

why parseFloat(Number.MAX_VALUE) is used in javascript coin change solution why not to use just Infinity for example

Hello @Alexey_Tomin,

You can use either Number.MAX_VALUE or Infinity in the provided code, as both options will work effectively for the coin change algorithm. The use of Number.MAX_VALUE in the code initializes the counter variable with a large finite number, which can then be printed out on the console for debugging purposes.

It’s worth noting that when Infinity is printed to the console, it displays “Infinity” rather than a numerical value. To ensure consistency and ease of debugging, using Number.MAX_VALUE is a safer choice. This approach ensures that the initialized value is a finite number while still being large enough to effectively serve its purpose in comparisons within the algorithm.

Feel free to experiment with both options and if you have any more questions, please don’t hesitate to ask!
