Why use HBase instead of MySQL only?

Why not use an RDMBS only?

Or if the latency of an RDBMS is too high, why not replace the MySQL with HBase?

Course: https://www.educative.io/courses/grokking-modern-system-design-interview-for-engineers-managers
Lesson: Initial Design of Quora - Grokking Modern System Design Interview for Engineers & Managers

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Hi Jiao

Thank you for posting the query. We want to clarify that the explanation for using HBase is provided at the end of the “Data stores” section. Mainly, we cannot use RDBMS because Quora has to work with a large number of reads and writes simultaneously and NoSQL databases have high read/write throughput. Apart from that, they scale pretty well. The final design of Quora provided in the next lesson gives more insight into the choice of data stores.

We hope this was helpful.