Zero is not prime number

A reader asked us the following question:

Zero is prime number.

This is Maida Ijaz from Educative.

According to the definition of prime numbers:

“A number which has only two factors, i.e, one and itself, is called a prime number.”

For example: 2, 5,7, etc.

From the given definition, it can be seen that zero is not a prime number because of the following reasons:

1- As you know, if we divide 2 by 4 we will not get an integer as 2 is smaller than 4. So in this concept, though, we write 0/1= 0, but 0 is less than 1. So 1 can not be the factor of 0.

2- 0/0 is not possible as it is indeterminate.

3- Also, zero does not meet the first criteria of the definition. Zero can be divided by any number, and the answer is always zero.